20 Social Media Brand Color Codes for Blogger | WordPress
Whenever you create a new site you always find yourself going to the major social networking sites to grab their colors to use in icons or buttons. I have collected all the colors codes in one place for the following 20 social media websites such as Twitter , Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest , LinkedIn , Youtube, Vimeo, Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Dribbble, Quora, Foursquare, Forrst, VK, WordPress , StumbleUpon, Yahoo, Blogger and SoundCloud. You can copy paste any of the following for your website/blog. Check out: Syntax Highlighter Shortcode For BlogSpot Blogs Recommended: Add Social Media to Blogger with Count-Numbers Social Media Brand Color Codes Twitter: #00aced rgb (0, 172, 237) Facebook: #3b5998 rgb (59, 89, 152) Googleplus: ...